Discover the why in your product

Motif's causal discovery engine does the work of a causal inference expert, without taking team resources or increasing project timelines.

causal factors table

Discover the causal factors
that drive product outcomes

Step 1: Upload

Upload your data

Prepare an events dataset with up to 50M events in your own data warehouse. Upload securely to Motif's SOC 2 compliant platform.

Step 2: Outcome

Define outcomes

Choose the outcomes in your product that matter to you, whether its a goal or an event you'r trying to avoid.

Run the model

Motif's causal discovery engine generates and ranks thousands of hypotheses for cause effect relationships.

Step 4: Report

Explore your report

The discovered causal factors suggest improvements for your product, areas to prioritize for customers, and surface product problems.

Methodology with roots in causality

The biggest opportunity to use data to improve products is to discover and prioritize hypotheses which lead to successful product changes with high probability.

2x2 causality

Causal Factors Report

Discover and prioritize hypotheses, driving successful product changes
$500 per report
Between 1M and 50M events
Up to 5 outcomes
Access never expires
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